
web design


As the lead digital designer for the IBM Research website, I have designed several web experiences to support and showcase research work in the areas of AI, quantum computing, hybrid cloud, and science. I primarily work in Figma for web layouts, iterating upon a wireframe until the design is ready for developer specifications. There, I create the layout at each browser breakpoint, from desktop to mobile, and handoff the final designs to our team of developers.

Every few months, I am tasked with redesigning our homepage’s leadspace to showcase the newest research story, hardware, or technology that our team would like to promote. Below are some of those designs.


IBM Research has twelve main labs across the globe, and our website serves to host research publications and projects, as well as information highlighting each lab and their researchers. For the past few years, my digital content team has been migrating all of these publications, researcher profiles, and projects from a previous website on an outdated server to our new and improved live site. As part of this effort, I had to redesign our labs pages as well as a digital experience for exploring the different labs, as shown below. You can also interact with this live page here.


I also designed the layouts below for our researcher’s projects and events. I create and curate imagery for these project and event leadspaces, based on the content.


For each web page, I maintain specs for each breakpoint in Figma with our most up-to-date components and styling.